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                                                                                        Original created August 1 2009
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Dec 27 2013 (Last Internal Website Content audit)

                           by Martin Chu

(1) A PDK/CAD/IP infrastructure is essential to company's long term competency. It should be a sincere part of company's roadmap and strategy. There is not a successful electronics design company without a clear, solid, quality and consistent PDK/EDA/IP infrastructure in place. 

(2) Company gains competence by avoiding mistakes and producing NEEDED, VALUE and QUALITY products in time for customers. Successful companies avoid and learned from previous or other company's mistakes. While ordinary companies consistently make mistakes! This also true for all nations, political parties and individuals.

(3) A successful product design is a result of excellent TEAM executions and GROUP effort. This is particularly true for fast track and high risk product design. Not any single person or group can claim the ownership for the success. It is to every team members' best interest to foster a fair, encouraging, innovative, and rewarding corporate culture.

(4) In today's global environment, most parties companies dealing with are smart and knowledgeable. High quality products have their market segment. Value products also have their market segment. However, less and less market segments are for poor electronics. Companies need to push quality, valuable and affordable products as fast as company can. If there are major defects or issues in final products, sooner or later customers will find out and companies will be on Newspaper front pages! 

(5) It is always better to catch all errors at early stage than late in design and product cycle. It is always cost more to correct design mistakes at very last product stage. Products recalls even damage a company's corporate image. 

(6) If a failure mode is already reported in design or test, then a check for that failure mode should be incorporated into PDK/CAD or design/system validation. Learning by failure is a costly and sometime not necessary process.

(7) The Quality of the final product is as good as your initial design goal, design process and its verification. It is almost impossible to design a complete high speed and high performance SOC using an obsolete EDA system. This is just like you can not use a design system for motorcycle to design a space shuttle. That is going to be a design disaster!    

(8) Bad or incorrect simulation model leads to fail chip or un-necessary failure debugging. Wrong or incorrect design specification leads to product mis-function. Wrong or misleading market prediction lead to complete waste of development resource and other opportunity cost.

(9) Quality PDK deck can catch layout related mistakes. Carefully review DRC/ERC and LVS result are essential for first PG success. Also using automation can help human to do more, however also need to apply common sense in all situation. Blindly trust simulation or verification without double checking is dangerous to final qualification of products.  


If you are serious about your company and really want to make your company a world class company like Apple, Google, GE,. IBM, Boeing, TSMC, Intel, TI, ADI and HP etc. Then, please click the following links and review the content.

COMPANY 101 for an outstanding and successful top management

Important Questions to ask and review before product or design start!


What is a PDK A Process Design Kit (PDK) is a process specific bundled elements to work with the Cadence Custom IC tools. Design and layout engineers  use PDK elements to design and create analog mixed/signal integrated circuits.
A PDK includes Cadence process technology file, PV rule files (LVS, DRC, ERC), Parasitic Extraction (RCX/PEX) and Spice Models, device symbols, component CDF, Skill callbacks, Pcells,  etc. Everything you need to do IC designs.
Physical Verification All tools or software to do DRC, ERC, LVS, and PEX/RCX check are called physical verification..  
Functional Verification Functional verification is the task of verifying the logic design conforms to design specification
Formal verification  
Use of various types of logic and mathematical methods to verify the correctness of IC logic or system interactions.In other words,  it attempts to prove or verify  that certain requirements (also expressed formally) are met, or that certain undesired behaviors (such as deadlock) cannot occur.
Equivalence checking is the most common formal verification method, which is used to compare the design that is being created against a design that is already proved accurate.
Static Timing Analysis Static Timing Analysis (STA) is a method of computing the expected timing of a digital circuit without requiring simulation.
Hold time violation A hold time violation, when an input signal change too quickly, after the clock's active transition
Setup time violation A setup time violation, when a signal arrives too late, and misses the time when it should advance
Scan chain

Scan chains are a technique used in Design For Test. The objective is to make testing easier by providing a simple way to set and observe every flip-flop in an IC. A special signal called scan enable is added to a design. When this signal is asserted, every flip-flop in the design is connected into a long shift register, one input pin provides the data to this chain, and one output pin is connected to the output of the chain. Then using the chip's clock signal, an arbitrary pattern can be entered into the chain of flips flops, and/or the state of every flip flop can be read out.

Tcl Tool command language (Tcl) for scripting or GUI
Standard VCD VCD files contain simulation events represented using 4 states: 0, 1, X and Z. This format is excellent for capturing  vectors. Ability to write out multiple VCD files.
Extended VCD Based on the Standard VCD files by providing additional information in an 8-state format.    
Code Coverage Quickly identify holes in the testing process and reduce simulation times. Ability to merge results of multiple option coverage runs and remove or add files from the coverage statistics
Finite State Machine (FSM).
An electronic circuit that has a predictable or finite state that is based on a combination of the circuit's previous state and the circuit's current set of inputs.
LSF Load Sharing Facility (LSF)
Slack Time The slack associated with each connection is the difference between the required time and the arrival time. A positive slack S at a node implies that the arrival time at that node may be increased by S without affecting the overall delay of the circuit. Conversely, negative slack implies that a path is too slow, and the path must be sped up (or the reference signal delayed) if the whole circuit is to work at the desired speed.


STA is a method of computing the expected timing of a digital circuit without requiring simulation.
OPC Optical Proximity Correction
Reuse Methodology Manual. A set of guidelines that define good coding styles for HDL design. 
Register Transfer Level, the point where the design is written as a register transfer description. A register transfer description is a type of a behavioral description which is closely related to the hardware implementation. The description is written in terms of register banks and combinational logic.
A software tool that performs a predefined set of fixed checks on a coding language such as Verilog, VHDL, C or C++.
Joint Test Access Group
A consortium of individuals from North American companies whose objective is to tackle the challenges of testing high density IC devices.
Hardware Description Language, a programming language like way of describing hardware. The two most common HDL's are Verilog and VHDL.
The Accellera Formal Verification Technical Committee has been created to develop and promote a property specification language compatible with Verilog (IEEE-1364) and VHDL (IEEE-1076). Visit: www.accellera.org for further information.
Bus functional models, a piece of software designed to mimic the behavior of a hardware interface device.
PCD Process Control Document
PCM Process Control Module
SCM Scribeline Control Module
LAMP LAMP is an acronym for a solution stack of free, open source software, originally coined from the first letters of Linux (operating system), Apache HTTP Server, MySQL (database software) and Perl/PHP/Python, principal components to build a viable general purpose web server.
TLM Transaction-level modeling (TLM) based design and verification in advanced IC technology.
OVM The  Open Verification Methodology (OVM) is the result of joint development between Cadence and Mentor Graphics to facilitate true SystemVerilog interoperability with a standard library and a proven methodology. Completely open, it combines the best of the Cadence® Incisive® Plan-to-Closure Universal Reuse Methodology (URM) and the Mentor Advanced Verification Methodology (AVM), and is usable on two-thirds of the world's SystemVerilog simulators. The OVM will also facilitate the development and usage of plug-and-play verification IP (VIP) written in SystemVerilog (IEEE 1800), SystemC® (IEEE 1666), and e (IEEE 1647) languages. On 18 December 2009, OVM 2.1 was released to OVM World. 
LEC LEC is nothing but Logic Equivalence checking. LEC can be done with Conformal, Formality, Formal PRo tools. It is basically checking functionality between RTL and Netlist.
You can check the functionality between pre-layout netlist and post layout netlist just to make sure that Place & Route tool didn't mess up anything.
UPF Unified Power Format, Quick reference, current version is 1.0
CPF Common Power Format, Quick Reference, Example coding
IBIS I/O Buffer Information Specification
SDC Synopsys Design Constraints.
SDF Standard Delay Format (SDF) 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0  
SPEF Standard Parasitic Exchange Format (SPEF) is an IEEE standard for representing parasitic data of wires in a chip in ASCII format.  SPEF is most popular specification for parasitic exchange between different tools of EDA domain during any phase of design.
SPEF is an Open Verilog Initiatve (OVI)--and now IEEE--format for defining netlist parasitics. SPEF is NOT identical to the SPF format, although it is used in a similar manner. Like the SPF format, SPEF includes resistance and capacitance parasitics. Also like the SPF format, SPEF can represent parasitic in detailed or reduced (pi-model) forms, with the reduced form probably being more commonly used. SPEF also has a syntax that allows the modeling of capacitance between different nets, so it is used by the PrimeTime SI (crosstalk) analysis tool. SPEF is smaller than SPF and DSPF because the names are mapped to integers to reduce file size.  
The Difference Between Parasitic Data Formats SPF, DSPF, RSPF, SPEF, and SBPF
DSPF Detailed Standard Parasitic Format (DSPF)  is a very different format, meant to be useful in a SPICE simulation. For example, NET sections do not have endings, and comments should start with two asterisks.
DSPF models a detailed network of RC parasitics for every net. DSPF is therefore more accurate than RSPF, but DPSF files can be an order of magnitude larger than RSPF files for the same design. In addition, there is no specification for coupling caps in DSPF. DSPF is more similar to a SPICE netlist than the other formats.
SPF Standard Parasitic Format (SPF). SPF is a Cadence Design Systems standard for defining netlist parasitics. DSPF and RSPF are the two forms of SPF; the term SPF itself is sometimes used (or misused) to represent parasitics in general. DSPF and RSPF both represent parasitic information as an RC network.
RSPF Reduced Standard Parasitic Format (RSPF). RSPF represents each net as an RC "pi" model, which consists of an equivalent ”near" capacitance at the driver of the net, an equivalent "far" capacitance for the net, and an equivalent resistance connecting these two capacitances. Each net has a single "pi" network for the network, regardless of how many pins are on the net. In addition to the pi network, RSPF causes the PrimeTime tool to calculate an Elmore delay for every pin-to-pin interconnects delay.
SBPF  SBPF is a Synopsys binary format supported by PrimeTime. Parasitic data converted to this format occupies less disk space and can be read much faster than the same data stored in SPEF format. You can convert parasitics to SBPF, by reading them in and then writing them out with the write_parasitics -format sbpf command.
DEF Design Exchange Format (DEF) from Silicon Integration Initiative Inc. (Si2) and Cadence, customers will be able to download for free from the OpenEDA Web site. Both DEF and LEF belong to physical design formats. 
LEF Library Exchange Format (LEF) from Silicon Integration Initiative Inc. (Si2) and Cadence, customers will be able to download for free from the OpenEDA Web site.
SVRF Standard Verification Rule Format (SVRF) This is the programming language for Mentor Graphics semiconductor physical verification  tools, like Calibre
Results Viewing Environment (RVE)  is the interface and environment for  checking the calibre output for drc and lvs results .

Currently existing IP business model on market (at least 17 and still growing)

Commonly used EDA Tools for full customer IC design


General PDK information for a Fab-less design house.

What a good EDA/CAD flow should have

How to control the quality and verify a PDK.

What and how to implement a IP-creation-friendly design flow. (Member only for now)

Common but fundamental issues need to solve or address for a EDA/PDK team inside a Fab-less design house
  (Member only for now)

IC design Business Intelligence and Competitive Advantages (Member only Area)

Market Landscape/ Product Definition  How to undedrstand existing market landscape and to execute an excellent product definition/design PDK101 Internal
Design Resources  All IC design related resource OPEN to public for feedback and review.
Silicon Technology and Foundry Fab Zone Silicon technologies for now, will add III-V  technology later on. OPEN temporary to public for feedback and review.
EDA Zone EDA/CAD/PDK information OPEN to public for feedback and review
Device and Component All kind of  high performance devices and component from technologies and companies. NOT yet online for now.
SPICE/MODEL SPICE model for all kind of devices OPEN to public  but under construction
IPfarm© Area All sort of soft and hard IP blocks for circuit design and IP developer information and entry page. OPEN to public  but constantly construction
ESD, Reliability, and Failure ESD, reliability and failure knowledge and case study OPEN to public for feedback and review
Product Test/Manufacture Product manufacturing, packaging, and  testing information NOT online for now
Project Management All essential  ideas and best practice for project management PDK101 Internal
Marketing and Sale Marketing and sale related materials PDK101 Internal

Project Gateway and Projects under development  
(Member only, suggestions and contributions are welcome, interested parties please contact Martin Chu ) or email mchu@pdk101.com. 

You can not ignore current Industry Outlook and expect your business to be successful!  
*** The above  Industry Outlook is currently open for general public for informational and educational purpose. In the future, It maybe only available to PDK101 team members and subscribers.  

Useful External Design and EDA Links

Cad syntax example syntax exampleence Assura Official Cadence Web page
Mixed Signal SOC design flow Mentor Mixed signal design flow doc
International Cadence Usergroup
Cadence Tools Docs Online Cadence tool pdf files.
Synopsys Nanosim doc Online Synopsys Nanosim pdf files.
Demo on Demand Online demo from service providers
DeepChip EDA group Online ESD discussion group. Lot of useful info.
OPENCORES Open source IP repository
Design/IP Reuse Online Design reuse and IP service provider
Agilent Online Demo Online Agilent EDA demo
Xilinx design reuse document Xilinx design resue Document.
TechOnLine many useful educational tools for EE and IT
Silicon Integration Initiative
A organization focuses on improving productivity and reducing cost in creating and producing integrated silicon systems.
Openeda at SI2.org
OpenEDA.Si2.org is a restricted access site for the distribution of licensed materials from Si2 development groups (councils, projects, boards, or workgroups).
OpenAccess OpenAccess is a community effort to provide true interoperability, not just data exchange, among IC design tools through an open standard data API and reference database supporting that API for IC design.
SoC Central SOCcentral brings you the latest new about SOC/ASIC/FPGA design, EDA tools, design methodologies, intellectual property (IP), and design reuse.
eg3 Online discssion group
EDAboard Online Analog IC design and layout discussion forum.
EEtimes Online EEtimes website
Design-reuse Design resue website.
IC Design Quality Checklist IC design quality on design magazine.
EDA Geek EDA Geek publishes news about the electronic design automation and semiconductor industry.
Cadence_Community Forum Cadence Community Forum for Cadence tool users.
AlteraForum A lot of good FPGA and EDA general information and discussion
Low Power Design Low power design
eecatalog some useful and informative video clips about IC design and silicon technology.
low-powerwireless.com Low power design specific on wireless system.
CADFORUMS.COM All AutoCad and Cad related discussion
Softpedia An lot of GPL EDA software codes and script for generic purpos

Useful websites for personal daily life  (Not Yet OPEN for public)

Useful websites for internet web site  (Not Yet OPEN for public)


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