Why Do So Many projects and team fail?
Top ten reasons most teams and projects fail. ---> Martin Chu's view point
Martin Chu
First created: Feb. 15 2014
Last Update:Not yet
1. No well defined goal, stages and scope to accomplish, also no clear direcions and roadmaps to get the above done.
2. Lack of crisp and accurate vision and/or poor leadership from top team member.
Teams members don't have consistent or clear team leadership and directions team is heading .
3. Lack of project planning, or not knowing what it takes to accomplish the tasks and reach the final goal.
4. Not encourage communication and exchange of ideas in discussion phase.
Lack of good mechanism to resolve conflict, interest or concerns.
5. Failure to establish a clear decision making process.
Team as a whole don't make decisions correctly, timely and effectively as a group for critical situation.
6. Failure to establish expectations both within team members and with external customers.
7. Lack of accountability.
8. Lack of resource and/or failure to learn from previous mistakes or history
9. Lack of mutual support and winning as a team group culture
10. Lack of proper training or too many incompetent or non-dedicated team members
Especially that lead team member is incompetent and not open for idea, suggestions and resist to changes.
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